Work Shouldn't Hurt. End workplace harassment.
Work Shouldn't Hurt. End workplace harassment.

Work Shouldn't Hurt

Feeling trapped in a toxic workplace? You're not alone.

Every day, countless employees face harassment, discrimination, bullying and other unhealthy work environments.

This can cause unbearable stress at work. But, you don't have to endure it in silence.

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You have to earn an income to live. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your well being to do so.

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Want to be part of a community who has your back?

Work Advocate Weekly is a newsletter dedicated to helping you navigate through a hostile workplace and get to a healthy one.

  • Educate: Identify what kinds of work environments are not legal.
  • Empower: Gain the tools and knowledge to document, report, and stand up for yourself.
  • Support: Connect with resources and  our private community that understands your struggles.
  • Heal: Learn coping strategies and access support to overcome the emotional toll of a toxic workplace.

Stop being alone in your journey to a healthy and happy work life.  Let us be your Work Advocate.

Let Us Be Your Work Advocate

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    Ready to take the first step towards reclaiming your peace of mind and building a healthier work life?

    The Hostile Workplace Defender helps you:

    1. Understand your rights, the law, and the different forms of workplace toxicity.
    2. Gain the knowledge to stand up for yourself with tools to expertly document, and report actions to HR and other legal processes.
    3. Improve your chances of making your current workplace a more work-friendly environment
    4. Connect to other opportunities while exiting an unchangeable toxic workspace.
    5. Have actual scripts and worksheets with what to do and say for high level documentation accuracy.